Friday 14 October 2016

High Five For Friday- 14.10.16

I feel like Friday came out of nowhere this week.  It was an odd week with the holiday and I had extra time off.  I am, however, happy that it is the weekend.  Here are my five:

1.)  We celebrated Thanksgiving over the past weekend.  It was so nice to spend time with family, especially my brother who I don't get to see as much.  We had a fun time!

2.)  Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood are putting out a Christmas Album!  I am so excited.  I love Garth Brooks' Christmas album and I would think this one will be great, as well!

3.)  We had a lot of snow over the past couple weeks.  Miss. E has loved playing outside when it isn't too cold.  She thinks the snow is grand, which is nice because pretty much no one else over the age of 5 is very happy about it!  Ha ha!

4.)  We got our ducts cleaned this week.  It is important for us to do this because of our daughter's asthma.  I am glad we got it checked off the list.

5.)  I had some extra time off this week and got to spend it with Miss. E.  We had a lot of fun.  She is at a stage where she like to make 'jokes' and do silly things for laughs.  At one point, she had dressed herself in 4 skirts.  She thought it was funny.  I really enjoy getting to spend extra time with my little one.

I hope you all had a fabulous week!  If you want to join in the link up, please do so below.  Have a great weekend!


  1. I feel like Friday snuck up on me this week too! I can't believe you have snow already, that's terrible!! (I'm definitely in agreement with you and not Miss E on that, haha!) Hope you guys have a great, snow-free weekend!
