Friday 30 September 2016

High Five For Friday- 30.09.16

It is Friday!  Woot woot!  This week has felt long for some reason so I am looking forward to some time off.  Here are the five highlights from my week:

1.)  Birthday parties galore!  We have attended 2 birthday celebrations this week and have one more tonight.  I like birthday celebrations and have really enjoyed seeing friends and family at the gatherings this week.  Miss. E is having a lot of fun, too.  She especially enjoys the cake!  (She takes after her Mama, it would seem.)

2.)  We had our first adoption meeting this week.  It was basically an information meeting.  We appreciated all of the information and the answers to our questions.  We are excited to get the ball rolling on the next step to expanding our family.  It sounds like it will be a long road (years), but we are happy to be on the path towards welcoming another child into our family.

3.)  I dyed my hair and got new glasses.  I am like a brand new woman, ha ha!  I am really happy with how it all turned out.  My glasses are extremely different than the style I have worn for years so they will take some getting used to!

4.)  Miss. E and I baked cookies together this week.  She did really well and enjoyed helping me measure and stir.  It was a lot of fun!

5.)  I had a great mail week!  I received a prize pack from Kenton de Jong.  I had entered one of his contests on Instagram and won!  Kenton writes a travel blog, with a lot of great posts about Saskatchewan.  You should check it out!

Selfie stick!  Woot woot!

I also received 2 new pairs of jeans for my Fall Capsule Wardrobe (click the link to read all about it!).

I love dressing for Fall!

My Amazon order also arrived which had some awesome stuff in it, including Miss. E's Halloween costume and some great Fall themed books for us to read to her.

I hope you are all having a great week, as well!  Have an awesome weekend!  If you want to join the link up or read some great posts, click the link below.

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Fall Capsule Wardrobe Reveal

I am totally late putting up my Fall Capsule Wardrobe!  Fall started last week, but I only received the last of my Fall pieces on Tuesday (the 27th).  I had birthday money (thanks, Mom and Dad!) and I bought 2 pairs of jeans for the wardrobe.

I love dressing for Fall.  It is my favourite season.  We get a "true" Fall in Canada, so bring on the cozy sweaters and boots!

My Fall Capsule comprises of 36 total pieces.  I didn't count my outerwear in this, as I will have to swap out my Fall coat for my Winter coat when the weather gets colder.  I also did not include accessories in my Fall capsule.  I will be free to draw from whatever I like for accessories.  I have stashed away my other clothes and have made my Fall capsule accessible in my closet.


I have a total of 24 tops.  This includes my sweaters, blazers/jackets, t-shirts and vests.

 7 Sweaters

Blazer, Kimono, 2 Vests

11 Shirts

2 (Faux) Leather Jackets


I have 5 pairs of pants.  3 are jeans, 1 is a thick legging and 1 is a dress pant.


I only have 2 dresses in my capsule wardrobe.  I basically wear dresses to church on Sunday and to the occasional event (which are always casual).  I included my long sleeve striped dress and my chambray dress.


I have 5 pairs of shoes in my capsule.  I have 3 pairs of boots, my leopard heels (which I am still in love with) and my bright coloured sneakers.  I wasn't going to include my runners in the wardrobe, but I wear them all the time and they are cute.  They ended up making the cut.

I am so excited to get back into my capsule wardrobe!  I enjoy having a limited number of choices and it is always nice to have parameters on my shopping.  I tend to like to shop, so the capsule wardrobe helps me to limit and carefully choose my purchases.  

Thanks for reading!  Happy Wednesday!

Monday 26 September 2016

4 Things I Have Learned About Getting Settled In

My house is finally looking like a home.  Miss. E and I went shopping over the weekend to find a few touches to help our home look a little more put together.  She loved shopping with her Mom, which I am so thankful for.  I just have a few little tweaks here and there (and an area rug to find) before I am ready to show you my home.  I am pleased with how it is turning out, though.

A few things I have learned:

1.)  It will look a lot worse before it looks better.  Ugh.  My Type A personality had trouble with this one.  It takes a bit of time before you can really decide where things need to live in your home.  Give yourself permission to have a bit of a mess while you sort things out.

2.)  Unpack all the boxes.  Hubby's friend told me that he still has unpacked boxes from when he moved into his house 5 years ago!!!!!  He laughed when I told him that those unpacked boxes would feel like a nightmare to me!  Seriously, folks.  Unpack those boxes.  It is good to see everything you have and decide where to put it.  It is also good to decide if you need it all or if need to let go of some items.

3.)  Tackle 1 room at a time.  This is how I like to approach cleaning, as well.  I find it far too easy to get distracted from a task if I don't have a solid plan.  Unpack the rooms that you need most and then work your way around the rest of the house.

4.)  Give it time.  Moving is a huge transition.  I hated not feeling settled, but I had to accept that I am not a superhero.  I am a working toddler-Mom who has a busy life!  The house might be out of order for a bit.  Breathe, pray and let it go.  It is definitely a first-world problem.

How do you handle moving?  Do you have any tips for getting settled into a new home?

Friday 23 September 2016

High Five For Friday- 23.09.16

Hello friends!  Long time, no see!  Ha ha!  I have dug my way out from under all the boxes and I feel like life can start to be a little more "normal" now. I guess we will find out!  Here are five highlights from my week:

1.)  Hubby surprised me for my birthday.  The day before my birthday we went to a nearby city for brunch.  I knew that this part was happening.  What I didn't know was that my Mom, Dad and younger brother were going to be there!  It was such a wonderful surprise.  I actually teared up when I saw my brother because he lives several hours away and it was so nice of him to make the trip!

2.)  On my actual birthday we had a pizza lunch (I love pizza!), a very nice roast chicken dinner (made by Hubby) and then we had a few people over for cheesecake.   Mmmmmm......  Can you tell I love to eat?  Ha ha!  Hubby planned a delicious day!

3.)  I spent most of my birthday and the next day unpacking.  I really dislike unpacking, but our house finally looks like a home!  I have a few boxes to get to downstairs, but our upstairs is completely unpacked and put away.  It feels so good.

4.)  We attended a birthday party for my friend's son on Saturday.  He and Miss E are about the same age.  We had such fun!  She enjoyed playing with all the kids and I enjoyed chatting with the Moms.  It was a great time!

5.)  I got some Christmas shopping done.  We really don't have much shopping to do anymore, so I am over half done!  I was spending some time on Amazon, trying to find a few items (like Miss. E's Halloween costume) and shipping is always cheaper if you hit a certain dollar amount.  I am not usually an early shopper so it feels good to have the majority of it done!

How was your week?  Link up with the lovely ladies below to join in H54F!  Have a lovely weekend!

****P.S.  I tried to get my photos to load but it isn't working for some reason.  I will try again later.  I am really not very tech savvy... ****

Wednesday 14 September 2016

It's In A Box Somewhere...

I was so hoping to have my Fall Capsule together by now.  With the move, I haven't been able to complete it.  We have been staying in the house for just over a week and we were away for 3 days in that time.  Unfortunately, that means that we still have boxes to be unpacked.  Some of these boxes have clothes that I need in order to finish building my capsule.  I have a few days off in addition to my weekend so I hope that I will be able to do a capsule reveal next week.  In the meantime, here are some posts on wardrobes that I think you will really enjoy!

How To Create A Capsule Like A Mother from His Girl Friday

3 Steps To A Fall-Ready Closet from Un-Fancy

Style Series: Fall 2016 from Un-Fancy

Happy Wednesday!

Friday 9 September 2016

High Five For Friday

Hello everyone!  It has been quite a whirlwind week!  Here are my five highlights:

1.)  Thank you for your kind words and support yesterday.  It means the world to Hubby and I.  Thank you.

2.)  We moved!  We are in our rental and we love it!  Miss. E likes to run around in all the space.  Our brothers and my parents helped with the move.  We are so grateful to have family that can help out when we need it!

3.)  Hubby got a job.  He starts back with his old company on Monday.  They are quite busy at the moment so he is excited to work.

4.)  Miss. E started Daycare this week (which she calls school).  She LOVES it.  She didn't want to leave when I went to pick her up and she keeps asking to go back.  I am glad she loves it.  It just makes life easier.

5.)  I got my hair cut!  I took off quite a few inches and it feels so much better!  I was getting frequent headaches when I wore ponytails (which I have to wear for work), so I am hoping this will be the solution.

Have a lovely weekend, my friends!  If you want to join in the link up, please click on the button below.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Dear Baby- A Miscarriage Post

Hello Baby.  Today is your due date.  Today is the day that was supposed to mark your arrival (or soon to be arrival, if you took after your sister) into this world.  I should be rubbing my large belly, waiting for a sign that you are ready to make your entrance.  Today should be joyful and if not that, at least filled with happy anticipation.  Instead, I feel heartbroken.  I feel as awful as I did the day that the ultrasound tech couldn’t find your tiny heartbeat.  I miss you desperately and I feel cheated that I never got to meet you.

I wonder if you would have had my eyes or your Daddy’s.  I wonder if you would be long and thin like your sister, or if you would be short and chubby.  I want so badly to hear you cry and coo.  I want to hold you close and stroke your tiny little cheek.  I want to feel your soft breath and have your tiny hand wrapped around my finger.  I want to feel the heartbeat that I never got to hear.

I wrote your due date on the calendar as soon as it was given to me.  I wrote it in pencil in case they bumped it forward or back.  After you were gone, I couldn’t bring myself to erase it.  I didn’t want to erase it.  It was one of the few little reminders that I had of you.  Erasing it felt like denying that you existed and you most certainly existed.  I loved you fiercely from the moment I saw two pink lines.  You were always my baby.  Nothing will ever change that. 

I couldn’t let today go by without saying something.  I know that everyone else has moved on and forgotten, but you already meant the world to me so I can’t let the date pass by without recognition.  I pray for you daily.  I know that you are in far better Hands than mine and I pray for the peace that should come with that.  I know that someday I will get to hold you and your siblings close and tell you all how much I love you.  For now, I carry your memory.

I love you, dear Baby.  I miss you every day, but today is especially hard.  I wish today was different.  I wish I was holding you in my arms, but I know you are safe in the arms of Jesus.  I also know that I will get to hold you in my arms someday.  Until then, I pray that you know how much I love you and how desperately I wanted you.  Happy birthday, my Little One.

All my love,

Friday 2 September 2016

High Five For Friday- 02.09.16

Wow!  It is September already!  Where did the time go?  We still aren't in our new place yet, so this week has been a bit strange.  We went on a quick family trip last weekend.  Here are my five favourite photos from last weekend:

Miss. E is obsessed with tractors.  She wants to be a farmer!
She liked the pigs but was a little freaked out by their snouts.

She loved the giant blocks at the science center.

Miss. E loved the dinosaurs at Drumheller!

Have a lovely Friday!  Linking up with the ladies below!