Friday 29 December 2017

High Five For Friday- 29.12.17

I am writing this post on Thursday morning.  As of right now, Baby has not made an appearance.  If I make it to Friday, Baby will be one week past his/her due date.  We had a lovely Christmas weekend.  I am linking up with TifDellaKatie, and Becky to share 5 highlights from the past week.

1.)  We celebrated Christmas with my family on Christmas Eve.  It was a really fun day.  The girls all played together quite well.  The food was amazing (I love Mom's cooking) and it was so nice to spend time with family!

2.  I was pleased with how Miss. E's hair turned out for Christmas.  She is so wiggly that sometimes I have trouble getting a decent hairdo done!

3.)  Hubby's Oma always buys socks for everyone at Christmas time.  Elizabeth was so excited!  She sorted her socks, tried them all on and decided what outfits they should go with.  Ha ha.  It was so cute.

4.)  We had a lovely Christmas morning at home by ourselves.  Miss E had a great time opening her presents.  We relaxed and sat in front of the fireplace.  It was really nice.  We are experiencing quite a cold snap here so we enjoyed staying warm and cozy.

5.)  My last OB appointment went well and we are still waiting for our little one's arrival.  Baby should be coming soon!  Perhaps Babe is waiting for warmer weather...

I hope you all had an awesome weekend and Christmas.  Have a safe and happy New Year!

Friday 22 December 2017

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Today I am 40 weeks pregnant and I am waiting for Baby's arrival.  We are all ready for Christmas and for Baby.  I want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I hope that you all have a beautiful holiday season filled with love, joy and laughter.  Thank you for visiting my little space of the internet.  I so appreciate it!  I really value the friendships that I have made through blogging and I am thankful for each and every one of you.

I have no planned posts over this holiday season.  I may pop in here once or twice to say hello.  It really depends how things are going.  Just in case I don't make it back here before 2018, thank you for helping to make my 2017 so wonderful.  Have a safe and happy holiday season!

Friday 15 December 2017

High Five For Friday- 15.12.17

Ahhhhh.... Today is my last day of work.  I can feel the relief spreading over me.  I am happy to embrace a few days off before Baby makes his/her arrival! 

I am linking up with KatieDellaTif and Becky to share the 5 highlights from my week!

1.)  Last weekend I got the basement all cleaned up.  I organized the laundry room and the playroom.  It was quite a bit of work but it looks so good!  I am so excited to have it all done. 

2.)  I had a visit with my best friend from school and her kids this week.  I love how she and I can always pick up right where we left off and not skip a beat.  I so enjoyed our visit and I am excited to go see a movie with her tonight!

3.)   Today, I am offically 39 weeks pregnant.  My appointment went well this week and I am excited to meet our new little one in the near future.

Last Friday's picture at 38 weeks

4.)  I went for a haircut on Tuesday and it felt so good!  My hairdresser is wonderful and I so appreciate her.  I have had some issues with my hair in the last few years and she has really helped me figure those out!  I cut quite a bit of hair and went for a lob.  It feels good to have it shorter!

5.)  Miss. E wore her princess dress for supper the other night.  She really cracks me up right now.  3 can be such a fun (and challenging...) age!  Her imagination really runs wild and it is so adorable.

How was your week?  Don't forget to check out the lovely ladies above for some great blogs!

Wednesday 13 December 2017

November- Goals and the No-Spend Year

Wow.  It is hard to believe how quick 2017 has slipped away.  I am very happy with my goal progress.  With only a few short weeks until the end of the year, I am quite happy with the results of my goals.

Goal #1- Complete a No-Spend Year

November was another successful month.  I feel like this goal has really taught me about my spending habits.  I am much more resourceful now.  I tend to search my own home to find the things that I 'need'.  It has given me pause and made me think more about my consumerism and how it affects myself and my family.  Shopping is no longer an option for my self care and that is a wonderful thing.  I have learned how to best care for myself without the temporary high that shopping gives.  I have really enjoyed my no-spend year so far.

Goal #2- Establish a Self-Care Routine

This goal goes hand in hand with the above goal.  Self care (for me) really boils down to getting enough sleep (oh boy, that one is going to take a hit soon!), being careful not to over-schedule myself (October is a great example of how that worked out), and taking time to be alone.  I am really an introvert by nature and I find myself recharged when I get to spend time alone.  This past month I have been really good at asking for help when I need and resting when I need it.  I haven't been pushing past my limits (much) and it has made a big difference in my health and well-being.

Goal #3- Say Yes To Family Time

This goal has gone well again.  I have learned how to prioritize family time.  External pressures always exist, but I am much better at letting those pressures go when my family requires quality time.

Goal #4-  Start School in September

On hold during my pregnancy and newborn phase.

Goal #5- Learn more about traditional prayers and incorporate them into my prayer life.

I think I finally have this goal figured out.  I have decided against trying to incorporate these prayers in a "schedule", but rather every time I have a certain intention.  I have quite a few mothers on my prayer list, so when I pray focus my prayers on them, I incorporate the traditional prayers.  It has worked well and I plan to continue this pattern.

Goal #6-  Establish a routine for the blog and stick to the blog's vision.

I have done more background work on the blog in terms of planning and narrowing the type of posts that I want to write.  I plan to implement these changes in the New Year and I am excited to do so.  My routine will have to change when Baby arrives, but I am hoping my planned framework for the blog will help me through those changes.

How have your goals gone?  Have you achieved your resolutions?  There are still a few weeks left!

Friday 1 December 2017

High Five For Friday- 01.12.17

Hello December!  I can't believe that it is the last month of the year!  I am looking forward to the excitement that December brings.  I love experiencing the magic of Christmas through my daughter's eyes.  I am also so excited because we will welcome our new little one this month.  That is, if they arrive on time!

I am linking up with KatieBeckyDella and Tif to share the five highlights from my week!

1.)  My favourite part of this past week was taking Miss. E on The Polar Express.  We had both sets of Grandparents with us and Miss. E had such a magical time!  I highly recommend the experience.  You can read all about it here.

2.)  I am 37 weeks today.  I can't believe that in a few short weeks we will be meeting our new little one.  Besides the odd ache or pain (or Braxton Hicks contraction), I am feeling really good.  I am very thankful for this as I still have a few things I want to do before Baby arrives!

3.)  This week, we were training the individual taking my maternity leave.  She seems friendly and capable.  I feel confident that I am leaving my clients and co-workers in good hands.

4.)  Hubby had a work party last night, which we attended.  To be honest, I was so super tired and I didn't really want to leave my house.  I am so glad we did, though!  We had lovely conversations, food and laughed a lot.  It was nice to have an evening out with just my Hubby.  I know that we won't get as much "us" time with a new little one, so I am enjoying our time together now.

5.)  It was my Mom's birthday this week.  We had a birthday party for her and it was so much fun.  I so enjoy getting together with my family.  My brother is in a relationship with a woman that we love.  She has 3 amazing daughters and they are so good with Miss. E.  Our family has really grown this year and for that we are thankful!

How was your week?  Do you have plans this weekend!  I would love to hear all about it!