Monday 4 May 2020

Goals Update

I have just started to track my goals again.  March and April were a bit of a wash as we started to deal with the pandemic.  My goals aren't difficult, but as I was dealing with the anxiety that came with the pandemic and with our life changes (Hubby changed jobs, my daughter does online learning from home and navigating relationships with social distancing), my goals fell by the wayside.  This is normal.  We are human beings and sometimes things need to take the backseat while we navigate big life changes.

My goals were simple.  I wanted to work towards three different goals.  I wanted to exercise, write and work on home projects.  My goal was to spend 20 minutes on each goal, 3 times a week.  I know that I was basically achieving this goal when it came to exercise.  My daughters and I were walking every day so that we could get out of the house.  I was also working on quite a few house projects to pass the time.  I didn't track these goals, however so I don't know my exact numbers.  I know that I really didn't do much writing.

I have decided to tweak my exercise goal.  Instead of aiming for 20 minutes of movement, I am now working to do 20 minutes of strength training.  I hope that this change will encourage me to continue my physio exercises, which I am quick to forget about.

I also want to spend a lot more time writing, both for the blog and creatively.  I love to write and I want to keep working on those skills.

There will be no shortage of home projects in the future.  We are adding a large garden plot to our yard and have a lot of digging and planting to do.  We are also working on our basement and have already made some big changes.  It is great to have projects to focus on during this time.  It helps calm me down.

I hope you are all doing well.  If your goals are taking a backseat right now, don't fret.  Life is strange and requiring us to adapt quickly.  Staying alive and adapting is enough.  Seriously.  Take care, friends!


  1. Yeah, I have very small goals myself these days, in light of everything that's going on. I think I need to give myself more specific parameters though--that might help. I like your idea of doing each goal for 20 min 3x a week!

    1. It works. It seems like such a silly thing, but man, I get a lot done within the 20 minutes! I hope it works for you!
