Wednesday 5 September 2018

Back to Blogging

I have missed blogging.  I have missed having a space of my own to write.  I have missed the interaction that I had with readers and other bloggers.  I have decided to return to my space.  I need this for me and that is something I want to get better at doing.  Creating boundaries and time for myself.

I think it was good to step away from this space when I did.  I needed some time to breathe and decide if this blog was actually a good use of my time.  I have come to the conclusion that it is.  Like a lot of mothers, most of what I do is for my family.  This is important to me.  I also need some "me" time and this blog gave me that.  I love to write, organize and pursue simplicity.  While I don't claim to be great at any of those things, I do think that blogging allowed for my interests to come together.  Peaceful Simple Life encourages me to make time for the things that I enjoy, which is something that has been lacking over the last few months.

I do hope that I am still on your radar and that you will start reading along with my pursuits.  Thank you for your patience.  I am so happy to be back!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I'm glad you're back, Ashley! I'm glad the break gave you the space that you needed and time to recharge. :)
