Friday 24 October 2014

High Five For Friday!

Ahhhhh..... It is Friday, at last!  I see a lot of Moms saying that weekends don't "mean anything" to them now that they are at home with a baby.  I feel completely different!  My husband is a wonderful man and a very hands-on Dad.  He is happy to be on "Daddy Duty" and I can relax a bit.  I still have to do her feeds (unless I have been ambitious and pumped).  I don't have to do diaper duty or work to keep Miss E. entertained/happy.  Weekends are also wonderful because I get to see my husband truly enjoy our daughter and bond with her.  It is fun to watch!

Nationally, it was a tragic week with two episodes of terrorism happening on Canadian soil.  My heart goes out to the family and friends of the deceased soldiers.  May they rest in peace.

In general, (excluding the aforementioned tragedy) I had a good week.  I was super productive yesterday which was fantastic!  My house is clean and my laundry is (nearly) caught up!  I have been working hard to stay on track with eating healthy and exercising.  I was super terrible last weekend (laid on the couch all weekend and ate pure junk), so it was time to shape up.  Here are the best things from my week:

1.)  I managed to eat healthfully this week.  I feel so much better when I mind what I eat.  I made peanut butter oatmeal balls for a snack to grab when I am hungry.  They are delicious (and handy)!

2.)  I was able to get a bunch of sorting done.  My basement bedroom has to be ready for guests over Christmas and I have been storing a few things in there.  I moved along quite a few items and I threw away some items that were beyond repair.  My awesome Mom came over and watched over Miss. E while I got my sorting done.

3.)  Butternut squash soup.  Need I say more?  YUM!  I made a batch and froze a few containers for lunches in the coming weeks.

4.)  Clean house. (I yapped about it above so we will move on...)

5.)  Miss. E has decided that she LOVES the cat!  This is so much fun to watch, albeit a little scary.  We are lucky, though. As Miss. E's affection grows toward our tuxedo cat, the cat's affection for Miss. E wanes.  The cat stays out of her reach.  When I am supervising it is amusing to watch Miss. E call out for the cat and reach for her.  She has "petted" the cat a few times and gives a bunch of happy squeals.  I love it!

I hope you all had a wonderful week!  Link up at!

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