Wednesday 28 January 2015

Wardrobe Wednesday- Lazy Day Outfit

I wore this outfit to my Mom and Dad's this weekend.  It was one of those days where I wasn't feeling great and wanted to stay in my PJs.  I have a strict no PJ or athletic wear rule when it comes to going outside (unless, of course, I am going outdoors to work out).  I wasn't missing out on seeing my family, especially since my little (but much taller) brother was in town!  So, I put on the next best thing to PJs.  Black leggings, blue nursing top and my oatmeal sweater.  It was cozy, comfortable, and I count it as "real" clothes.  Here is the outfit (sorry for the blurry picture):

(My sweatpants are photobombing this picture...)

I have started working on my Spring wardrobe list.  I love thinking about Spring.  Who doesn't?  My oatmeal sweater is likely going in the donation pile.  It is cozy, but I find it hard to style it in a way that flatters my shape.  I think it would work better if I was taller, but that isn't going to happen!  Ha ha!  I don't plan on making a lot of purchases, but I do want to invest in a few pieces.

Tweet me your outfits @peacefulsimple with #wardrobewednesday.  Happy Wednesday!

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