Friday 28 August 2015

High Five for Friday- 28-8-15

Oh man!  I am glad it is Friday!  What a week!  I don't have any pictures for you this week because, you know, bad blogger and all that!  Here are my five highlights:

1.)  Last weekend was mostly great (see #2). I got to watch Divergent, go shopping and go to the lake.  It was a nice family weekend.

2.)  Okay.  While I was at Superstore, I grabbed a cart.  It is one of those 2 tiered carts.  I put Miss. E in the spot for babies and started my shopping.  Hubby had to do something so he was going to meet up with us when he was done.  I get my cart to the baby aisle and pick out the things I need.  Just as I was going to put the item in the cart, I realized there was a dead bird in my cart.  Oh my gosh.  I was halfway between freaked out and sad for the bird and I started the "abandon cart" operation.  An older couple, who I am sure were farmers, saw me freaking out and the husband kindly removed the bird from my cart.  The wife asked if I was okay and then they moved on.  It took me an hour to recover.  Ha ha.  I don't know why, but ever since I had Miss. E, I have the weakest stomach!  I am grateful for the lovely man who came to my rescue.

3.)  We had appointments in different cities this week.  My Mom watched Miss. E for my appointment on Monday (thanks, Mom!).  Miss. E had an audiology appointment and a dental appointment,which both went great.  She doesn't have to return for any more audiology appointments (Hallelujah!) and her teeth looked great.

4.)  Miss. E is over her cold, which is awesome.  The last one lasted over a month and turned into a chest infection, so I am relieved that this cold went away so quickly!

5.)  Yesterday was a tough day.  That Google Hangout really brightened my day.  It was so much fun to watch!  I LOVED Tif and Della's accents!  All four ladies were awonderful to watch and I had such a fun time!

How was your week?  Link up with the lovely ladies below to join in H54F!


  1. Omg a dead bird?! I would have fainted right there!! I'm glad the Hangout brightened your day, and I'm sad I had to miss it! Hopefully I can make the next one! :)

    1. They are doing one September 24. I am excited! Hopefully you can join in! The bird just about did me in, ha ha. Ugh. Hope you had a fun birthday!

  2. Wait a dead bird? I would have been running and screaming like a wild beast. Ain't nobody got time for a dead bird! xo Amanda

    1. This made me laugh so hard!!! Very true. No time for a dead bird!

  3. Uhhh! Dead bird! That's so gross! I wish I could have made the Hangout, but I'm glad that it brightened your day! I hope to participate in the next one. Have a wonderful weekend!


    1. Yup! So gross. Ugh. I hope you can participate in the next one, too! Have a great weekend!

  4. A dead bird? Oh my goodness, that's disgusting. I'm glad your daughter's over her cold. Have a great weekend!

    1. The bird was so gross. Freaked me right out! Have a good weekend!

  5. Oh my gosh! A dead bird?!! I would have been sick too. Yuck. A couple years ago my sister and I got the last cart at Ikea, and it had a huge wad of hair stuck around the front wheel. We gagged through the whole store. LOL. Hope your weekend is dead-bird free! :)

    1. Ugh. Hair. There is something so disgusting about hair! I didn't make it through the weekend without a dead bird. My dog brought me one. Oh goodness.

  6. Anyone would have freaked out about a dead bird in a shopping card. Uhgh, poor you. But it sounds like you had an otherwise good week. I hope your weekend just keeps getting better.

    1. Thanks, Megan! I hope you had a good weekend! Thanks for stopping by!
