Monday 24 November 2014

Minimalism Week #13- Capsule Wardrobe

I have been fascinated by the idea of a capsule wardrobe for some time now.  I never really "needed" to implement it in my own life, however.  I was a health care worker who spent the majority of my time in scrubs.  When I came home, I would either wear athletic wear or lounge wear.  I owned some clothes to wear out, but I was good at only purchasing what I needed, picking only a few items per season (2-3).  When I became pregnant, I purchased a few essential maternity clothes and pretty much wore the same 5 outfits over and over again.  I am now on maternity leave and I have the opportunity to wear "real" clothes everyday.  I found that I was purchasing a lot of items to build my new wardrobe.  At first, this wasn't so bad.  I was buying a few key items here and there.  I started to notice, however, that I was buying a lot of new clothes every time my husband and I went shopping.  I love to shop and I was using my new role as "stay at home, nursing mother" as an excuse to purchase new clothes every shopping trip.  I decided that I needed to rein myself in.  I acknowledge that the change in my lifestyle required new clothing.  I just don't want to get carried away.

I looked at a few blogs about capsule wardrobes like Un-Fancy and Into Mind.  I wanted to make sure that I built a wardrobe that would be functional and suit my personal sense of style.  I do not claim to be "fashionable".  This is a wardrobe for my every day life as a mom.

Things that I took into consideration:

I am currently at home with my (almost) 6 month old daughter.  I am still nursing.  The holidays are coming up and we will have some Christmas celebrations to attend.

I live on the prairies in Canada.  It is cold here!  I need my clothes to be cozy and warm.  I want to be comfortable, but still look "put together".

My tops have to be accessible for nursing.  Everything must be machine washable and should be able to go in the dryer.  The clothes I choose must not require a lot of extra care.

My style icons are Audrey Hepburn and Kate Middleton.  They both have a beautiful, classic style that I love!

I want to have a lot neutral colours for ease of outfit building.  I do like some colour.  I want some red (a classic Christmas colour) and some jewel tones.  I find that jewel tones complement my skin tone and look refined.  I like plum, royal blue and deep green.

I practically live in skinny jeans and sweaters.

I spent some time on Pinterest.  I pinned outfits that I wanted to have in my wardrobe.  I built the wardrobe virtually, until I had a clear vision of what I wanted.  After I knew what I wanted, I made my wardrobe list.  I was happy to see that I only had 5 items to purchase outside of what I already owned.  I found the items over the past weekend and my wardrobe is finally complete.  I have 4 pairs of shoes, 7 bottoms, 15 tops and 2 coats.  In total, my wardrobe is comprised of 28 items.  I didn't include my nursing tank tops in this count as they act as underwear, not as stand-alone tops.  I also did not include my athletic wear or lounge wear.  I didn't add accessories into my total number, but I plan to curate a small number of accessories for the season.  I will do a post about accessories next week.

My winter capsule wardrobe will be worn from the December 1st to February 28th.  I will not do any shopping during this time (eek!).  I will share outfits and discuss the capsule wardrobe on Wednesdays.  Once again, I am definitely NOT a fashion maven, but I hope that my style is something that the average person can relate to.   I will "reveal" all of the capsule pieces this Wednesday.

Have you ever done a capsule wardrobe?  What tips do you have to share about building a wardrobe?  I would love to hear from you!

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