Friday 13 March 2015

High Five For Friday- 13.03.15

Happy Friday!  We are through another week.  Hubby and I spent 12+ hours last weekend in the vehicle, with our 9 month old daughter, which was interesting to say the least!  Here are five things that I am thankful for this week:

1.)  Seeing family.  It is so special to see your little one be loved and appreciated.  It brings my feeling of closeness to my hubby's family to a whole new level.  I am so happy that she is so surrounded by love.

2.)  Safe travels.  Although Miss. E was not impressed with being in her car seat for over 12 hours this past weekend, we arrived safe and sound.  For that, I am thankful.

3.)  A good night's sleep.  My daughter slept well three nights this week.  Sleep, my friends, is a beautiful thing.

4.)  Beautiful weather.  The weather has been warm and making me feel like Spring is on the way!  Woooooo!

5.)  My parents.  My family routinely lets me hang out at their house and they always feed me!  Sometimes it is the nicest feeling in the world to have someone take care of you.  Especially when you are operating on 3.5 hours of sleep after a very long trip.  Thanks Mom and Dad!


  1. So glad your road trip went well! Traveling with little ones can be unpredictable. Hope you had a wonderful weekend, and thanks for linking up at H54F!!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

  2. I always love visiting my parents because it's always just somehow easier when I'm home. And the sleep thing is HUGE! I remember how much more rested I felt when Juliet started sleeping through the night.

    P.S. just in case you didn't get my reply comment, make sure you check out my newest post there is an Ava Anderson giveaway and a link to all the products :)
