Friday 23 September 2016

High Five For Friday- 23.09.16

Hello friends!  Long time, no see!  Ha ha!  I have dug my way out from under all the boxes and I feel like life can start to be a little more "normal" now. I guess we will find out!  Here are five highlights from my week:

1.)  Hubby surprised me for my birthday.  The day before my birthday we went to a nearby city for brunch.  I knew that this part was happening.  What I didn't know was that my Mom, Dad and younger brother were going to be there!  It was such a wonderful surprise.  I actually teared up when I saw my brother because he lives several hours away and it was so nice of him to make the trip!

2.)  On my actual birthday we had a pizza lunch (I love pizza!), a very nice roast chicken dinner (made by Hubby) and then we had a few people over for cheesecake.   Mmmmmm......  Can you tell I love to eat?  Ha ha!  Hubby planned a delicious day!

3.)  I spent most of my birthday and the next day unpacking.  I really dislike unpacking, but our house finally looks like a home!  I have a few boxes to get to downstairs, but our upstairs is completely unpacked and put away.  It feels so good.

4.)  We attended a birthday party for my friend's son on Saturday.  He and Miss E are about the same age.  We had such fun!  She enjoyed playing with all the kids and I enjoyed chatting with the Moms.  It was a great time!

5.)  I got some Christmas shopping done.  We really don't have much shopping to do anymore, so I am over half done!  I was spending some time on Amazon, trying to find a few items (like Miss. E's Halloween costume) and shipping is always cheaper if you hit a certain dollar amount.  I am not usually an early shopper so it feels good to have the majority of it done!

How was your week?  Link up with the lovely ladies below to join in H54F!  Have a lovely weekend!

****P.S.  I tried to get my photos to load but it isn't working for some reason.  I will try again later.  I am really not very tech savvy... ****


  1. Happy belated birthday! I'm glad you had a fun and delicious birthday - I'm a huge fan of pizza too. I love doing Christmas shopping all during the fall and winter - it's fun to pick up things here and there! Have a lovely weekend!

    Whitney @ Come Home For Comfort

    1. Thank you, Whitney! Shopping early is quite fun! I might be converted to early shopping. ;)

  2. Aww, what a fun birthday surprise! Glad to hear you had a fun day (and feast!)! :) Ugh, unpacking is the worsttt, but it sounds like you've made great progress with it! Hope you have a good weekend!

    1. Oh yes. The feast was great! Unpacking definitely is not my favourite thing to do, ha ha! BUT we are getting there!
