Friday 9 September 2016

High Five For Friday

Hello everyone!  It has been quite a whirlwind week!  Here are my five highlights:

1.)  Thank you for your kind words and support yesterday.  It means the world to Hubby and I.  Thank you.

2.)  We moved!  We are in our rental and we love it!  Miss. E likes to run around in all the space.  Our brothers and my parents helped with the move.  We are so grateful to have family that can help out when we need it!

3.)  Hubby got a job.  He starts back with his old company on Monday.  They are quite busy at the moment so he is excited to work.

4.)  Miss. E started Daycare this week (which she calls school).  She LOVES it.  She didn't want to leave when I went to pick her up and she keeps asking to go back.  I am glad she loves it.  It just makes life easier.

5.)  I got my hair cut!  I took off quite a few inches and it feels so much better!  I was getting frequent headaches when I wore ponytails (which I have to wear for work), so I am hoping this will be the solution.

Have a lovely weekend, my friends!  If you want to join in the link up, please click on the button below.


  1. Yay that the move is over!! Your haircut looks great! And that's awesome that Miss E likes going to "school" (so cute!)! Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Jess! My hair really does feel so much better!

  2. I love your new haircut! It looks great on you! Yay for your hubby getting a job and for Miss E liking "School". I hope you've had a great weekend!


    1. Thank you so much, Della! We were very excited that Hubby got a job!
