Friday 17 March 2017

High Five For Friday- 17.03.17

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  I am a wee bit Irish, so I really love St. Patrick's Day!  We really have nothing planned for, as we will be at home working on some renovations.  Miss. E and I are feeling better after being sick last week so this weekend should be more fun and productive!  Here are 5 highlights from the last week:

1.)  Guacamole.  I have a serious obsession.  My father-in-law makes great guac and shared his recipe with me.  It is quick, easy and sooooo delicious.  I have been making it a lot lately.

2.)  Whole 30 has been going well.  I already feel like I have more energy and my brain seems less foggy.  I am only day 5, so I am excited to see how things progress!

3.)  I painted my toenails on Sunday night.  It is strange how happy this makes me.  I am not allowed to wear nail polish on my hands for work, so I usually just do my toes.  Hubby and I then watched another episode of "The Crown".  I am seriously obsessed with this show.  It is so good!  We are almost done Season 1 and I can't wait for Season 2.

4.)  Friday nights are for soaking in the tub, reading books and drinking tea.  I am looking forward to tonight!  (Peppermint tea is so much better than green beer!  Ha ha!)

5.)  Miss. E and I had a successful shopping day in the city yesterday.  It is so nice to be able to purchase everything on your list.  I had to grab a few 'specialty' items in the city for my Whole 30 experience.  I am always floored by the huge selection that is in the produce section.  It is so nice!

How was your week?  Link up with the lovely ladies below and join in High Five For Friday!


  1. Happy (belated) St. Patrick's Day! I'm mostly Irish and really have no interest/do nothing (besides wearing green) to celebrate, ha! I really need to paint my toes, thanks for the reminder! Red is one of my go-to toenail colors!

    1. Red is the perfect colour on toes! LOL. You don't have to celebrate if you are Irish. It just gave me bragging rights on St. Patrick's day! ;)
