Friday 31 March 2017

High Five For Friday- 31.03.17

Happy, happy Friday!  This week blew past me, but in a most delightful way.  Here are the highlights:

1.)  We hit the road to see family this past weekend.  It was a quick weekend with a lot of driving, but we always have so much fun at my in-laws house.  Miss. E did beautifully on the drive (6 hours!) and she had a blast playing with her grandparents and uncles.  Miss. E had her first haircut last weekend and she did really well.  She was so excited show everyone her "fancy haircut".

2.)  Last weekend my in-laws kept Miss. E for a few hours while Hubby and I went on a lunch date.  It was a little tricky navigating the menu because I am on Whole30, but I had a delicious steak with veggies.  It was so so good.  We enjoyed having time to ourselves to chat!

3.)  Work was pretty good this week and I left on time (or nearly on time) every single day.  That is quite impressive for my job!

4.)  Miss. E had a fun play date at the park and I got to enjoy time with a friend this week.  The weather has been gorgeous and we are ready to welcome Spring.

5.)  I had a wonderful visit with a girlfriend last night.  We talked and talked for hours.  I see this friend rarely, as she lives quite far away.  I love that she and I can pick up wherever we left off.  It was a great evening.

How was your week?  Join the link up with the lovely ladies below and tell us all about it!  Have a fabulous weekend!


  1. It's always so nice to catch up with friends that live far away! And hooray for leaving work on time! I have a hard time doing that myself, so I know how real that struggle is. Hope you're having a great weekend!

    1. Yes! Why does work seem to suck a person in like that? Sometimes it is because I have been disorganized, but there are times when it seems that everyone is conspiring to keep me there late! LOL
