Friday 20 February 2015

High Five for Friday- 20.2.2015

Wooo hooo!  It is Friday!  Bring on the weekend!  Hubby, Miss. E and I are headed out on our weekend getaway tomorrow and we couldn't be more excited!  Here are my five:

1.) Valentine's Day was a blast.  We went out for supper (yum!), had cake at home (yum!) and then watched a movie.  We watched "If I Stay".  I honestly expected it to be a lot better.  I was ready for it to be done at the end of the movie, but no such luck!  The next day, we got to watch movies in the morning and just chill.  It was awesome.

2.)  Miss. E is crawling around like crazy and pulling herself up on all the furniture.  She is pretty quick and I spend a lot of time chasing her around!

3.) My hubby's brothers came down for a visit.  It is always so nice to see them.  We had a good vistit.

4.) SNL 40.  Did anyone else watch this?  I LOVED that they brought back Jeopardy.  It is my favourite sketch!

5.)  I was sick this week and Hubby was nice and took care of me.  Thankfully, it was only bad for about 2 days.

Have a wonderful weekend!  If you want to join in H54F, link up below!


  1. Glad to hear that you're feeling better now. It sucks being sick, especially when you have a baby to take care of. It sounds like you've otherwise had a fun week:)

    Thanks for linking up with us for H54F!

    1. Thank you, Tif! I do feel better! Thank you for hosting H54F! I enjoy joining in!
