Thursday 22 October 2015

High Five For Friday- 23.10.15

Happy Friday, everybody!  This week was busy, but I feel like I am always saying that.  Here are my highlights from the past week:

1.)  The Canadian federal election was on Monday.  I am a big advocate for voting.  It is a right denied to many people around the world.  I am thankful to live in Canada and I always vote.  My leader didn't win the election, but I am still glad that I cast my ballot.

 2.)  My daughter has a milk and egg allergy.  We are hoping that she will outgrow her allergies, but in the meantime she has to avoid dairy and eggs.  I have been experimenting with some ideas for baking and I successfully modified my Mom's chocolate chip cookie recipe!  I was so excited.  They were very good.  I ate way too many!  Miss. E enjoyed the little bits of cookie that I fed her.

3.)  My daughter and I accompanied my hubby to the city and he decided to get his haircut.  Miss. E and I waited in the vehicle and played with Mega Bloks.  She is enamored with her blocks and will actually sit and play with them for long periods of time.  They are awesome!

4.)  I was sick over the weekend and the beginning of the week.  I made myself some chicken noodle soup that really seemed to help.  It was also delicious!

5.)  I have been participating in Vlogtober with Whitney from Come Home For Comfort.  It has been a blast and I am really enjoying getting to know everyone through their videos.  Check out the other vloggers involved:  WhitneyKatieEmily and Nikki.

How was your week?  Link up with the ladies below and join in H54F!


  1. I cherish the privilege to vote in the States, too! You're right, it's not something we should take for granted. I'm glad you're feeling better!

    1. Thanks, Whitney. Voting is so important. I am glad that you feel the same! :)

  2. Look at Miss E with her little pigtail sprigs! So cute!! Those cookies look awesome, as does the soup, and I hate soup! Maybe I'M sick! ;) Have a great weekend!!

    1. Thank you, Jess! I hope your weekend was great!

  3. Yay for allergy friendly cookies! They look yummy! Have a wonderful weekend!!


    1. Thank you, Sarah! I hope you had a good weekend!

  4. I was actually born on Election Day in the US, and every so often my birthday falls on it, including last year and the 2008 presidential election. So I vote always! And yay for modifying the cookie recipe!!!


    1. That is so cool! I am glad that you feel the same way about voting!
